St. John's Church Lacey Green

Welcome to St John's Church
Lacey Green, Loosley Row & Speen

We welcome you most warmly to the website of the Parish Church of Saint John the Evangelist serving the villages of Lacey Green, Loosley Row and Speen.

The Church is located at:
Main Road,
Lacey Green,
HP27 0RB

Saint John’s is one of the four member Parishes which comprise the Risborough Team Ministry and also a member of Churches Together in Risborough.

Our Parish Mission statement is:
“Coming to Faith, Growing in Faith”

Our Parish Prayer is:
God of love and mercy, enable us to be Christ-like in all we say and do. Help us to be courageous, contemplative, and compassionate, ever seeking to follow in the footsteps of your Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Our regular services are:

First and Third Sundays – 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

Each Sunday – 10.00am Parish Communion with Hymns (All Age on First Sunday)

Each Tuesday – 9.30am Holy Communion (CW)

Do please see our weekly Pew Sheet for additional Services as well as special Events and Activities.

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