The Samuel Green pipe organ at the Parish Church of Saint John the Evangelist dates from 1792 with the Church having been consecrated in 1825. The instrument was originally built as a Drawing Room organ and was therefore adapted for use for worship in a Parish Church context, notably with the addition of a foot pedal board. However, the significant alterations to the organ carried out by Kingsgate Davidson in 1951 have been widely held to have detracted from the integrity of the organ as a Samuel Green instrument. And, despite the very best of regular care and attention, the organ had over the years deteriorated to a generally poor condition with a clearly demonstrable need for major repairs and restoration. The specification for the works carried out in 2022, as approved by faculty from the Chancellor of the Diocese of Oxford, set out achieve something of a balance between the fullest possible restoration to the original 18th century specification and enabling the organ to continue to be used for public worship here at St. John’s, including retaining the later addition of the foot pedal board but now in a “stand-alone” form. This does mean that the restoration work that has now been carried out does not in any way preclude a full and complete restoration of the organ to its 1792 condition should there be those who wish to do that in the future.

In addition to the original planned works, the blower was replaced as the old one was in poor condition. The agreed works were completed by James Richardson-Jones and his colleagues at the Duplex Organ Pipe and Blower Company in time for the organ to be in full use for our Christmas 2022 Services. One of the many interesting features of the restored organ is an antique 19th century “tell-tale”, showing the level of wind passing through the organ, and which was a gift from the Duplex Organ Pipe and Blower Company. We do also wish to acknowledge the advice and help that we received from the Reverend David Wallace in his capacity as an Associate of the Institute of British Organ Building and member of the British Institute of Organ Studies. Our restored Samuel Green pipe organ was formally dedicated at a Service of Festal Choral Evensong on Sunday 5th March 2023.
Our regular services are:
First and Third Sundays – 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
Each Sunday – 10.00am Parish Communion with Hymns (All Age on First Sunday)
Each Tuesday – 9.30am Holy Communion (CW)
Do please see our weekly Pew Sheet for additional Services as well as special Events and Activities.